FSM Core Seminar Training
The FSM Core Seminar covers basic microcurrent information and the use of specific frequencies and protocols thought to address specific tissues and conditions based on the principles of bio-resonance. The first part of the course, pain and injury, focuses on the frequencies and protocols used to treat chronic myofascial pain, new injuries, and injuries less than six weeks old, discogenic pain, post-concussive syndrome, and neuropathic pain. The second part of the course, neuro and visceral, focuses on the frequencies needed to treat visceral conditions and functional medicine applications.
The full FSM Core training is taught in 5 days. Depending on your specific scope of medicine as a practitioner, you may not need the complete 5-day Core training. The FSM Core training is also offered as 3-day modules. The 3-Day modules are Pain and Injury and Neuro and Visceral. At least one of the 3 FSM Core trainings are required as a prerequisite to the FSM Advanced training.
Who is the FSM Core Seminar For?
The course is geared toward medical, chiropractic, osteopathic, and naturopathic physicians, acupuncturists and physical therapists, and the assistants who function in all of these clinical settings. Practitioners assistants can attend the FSM Core training at half price. Licensed practitioners are required to stay within their scope of practice. Although practitioners may learn FSM techniques for conditions outside of their scope, they should continue to refer those patients to specialists.
Non-practitioners interested in taking the FSM training should have a very good understanding of anatomy and physiology. In the US, without a license that allows you treat with electrical stimulation, you can only treat yourself and your immediate family. For those not living in the US, check with your country’s regulations.
FSM Seminar Continuing Education Credits – CEU’s
Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) is taught as a 40-hour 5-day Core seminar in person and as an online course. FSM is useful as an adjunct to every medical discipline licensed to use electrical stimulation devices and has MD’s, DO’s, DC’s, ND’s, NP’s, LAc’s, PT’s, OT’s, Sports Trainers and massage therapist as FSM practitioners.
At the end of the course the practitioner is presented with a slip that they can submit to their board documenting attendance and hours. Practitioners wishing to submit the course for CE credits sign in and sign out every day to document attendance. The CE slip and a copy of the sign in sheets are made available to the attendee at the end of the course. If CEU credits are important to you, please contact your licensing board to see if this documentation is sufficient for credit. Every board for every discipline in every state has different policies on what courses are approved for CEU’s. Frequency Specific Seminars has made the decision to make the course affordable rather than spend the resources needed to apply for CE credits for 10 disciplines in 50 states. The course is currently pre-approved for CE credits for licensed acupuncturists in California.
FSM Seminar Experience
The course includes lecture time and 4-6 hours of hands-on practice time. Students are also given access to the growing FSM Practicum Video Library allowing them to follow along with real patient treatments. The lecture includes the frequencies, frequency protocols, research data, and conceptual framework within which the observed and documented FSM effects can be used and explained.
The conceptual framework comes from physics, biophysics, and thermodynamics but is structured in lay terms. The frequencies and treatment protocols for myofascial pain, disc, facet, and nerve pain are taught on the first day. The protocols and frequencies for treating new injuries, the nervous system, and visceral conditions, and emotional issues are taught on the second and third days.
FSM Effects
FSM effects are very specific to the condition and require an accurate clinical diagnosis to be optimally effective.
The course includes refreshers for the accurate diagnosis of discogenic and facet generated pain, neuropathic pain and ligamentous laxity, myofascial trigger points caused by overuse, joint dysfunction, and visceral referral.
FSM Hands-on Practicum
The 4-6 hours of practical sessions include how to use the protocols to treat pain complaints in various body parts. The treatment method and application is different than any other way of treating muscular pain for example because the contacts are placed in such a way as to allow frequencies and current to flow through the tissue being treated and pressure is used only to move the tissue while the frequency is breaking up the scar tissue.
To support the online video and course training there are at least 6 FSM Core hands-on practicum weekends offered each year in every region of the US and abroad by Dr. McMakin. Students can also choose to do practical hands-on instruction provided by a certified FSM practicum instructor. For those in Ireland and the U.K. Denise Curtis MSc, PT teaches an FSM Core seminar at the National Training Centre ( ntc.ie ) in Dublin, Ireland that is held over two weekends.
Completion Certificate
After completing the FSM Core Seminar you will receive a completion certificate.
- In-person Seminars – Attendees receive a certificate at the end of class.
- On-line Course – The completion certificate is automatically generated when you have completed the course.
- Video Training – The completion certificate e-mailed as a PDF after passing the 40 question FSM Quiz with a grade of 80% or higher.
- Live-stream – Completion certificates are available by request.
FSM Practitioner Listing
Frequency Specific Microcurrent is growing. Patients come to frequencyspecific.com looking for help. After completing the FSM Core Seminar Training licensed practitioners who are accepting new patients can be listed on the FSM website. Qualifying practitioners receive their first year free and then $89 per year after that. Certified FSM Practitioners receive their listing free for 5 years. The FSM Practitioner Locator page is viewed over 100,000 times per year.

The Resonance Effect Book
Dr. McMakin’s book The Resonance Effect has become a best-seller.
The book describes how FSM was started and includes case studies and frequency protocols.
FSM Advanced
Once a year, there is a two-day 16 hour FSM Advanced course that provides the complete list of frequencies and protocols not taught in the Core seminar. In the afternoon there are 90-minute advanced in-depth workshops presented by various expert practitioner faculty.
Every other year on this same weekend, there is a two-day International Symposium with guest lecturers and presentations by practitioners sharing case reports and research findings and workshops for both diagnosis and treatment. There is a two-day instructor training and certification for people wishing to be considered as instructors for the practical sessions.
The FSM Advanced training is also available on video and as a live-stream for those who are unable to travel to one of the in-person seminars.
Private FSM Practitioners Facebook Group
After taking one of the Core FSM Trainings students are encouraged to join the private facebook group. With over 1200 members the group provides additional support and networking for FSM practitioners.
FSM Buddy Frequency Lookup App
Look up frequencies fast and easily with our custom FSM App for your mobile phone. Developed by one of our FSM Practitioners who is also a software developer, the app lets you search for a tissue or condition to find the frequency associated. Or you can search for a frequency and find out what tissue or condition it matches with. There are many other features built into the app as well. This app combined with the new mobile-friendly website will make learning and using FSM more enjoyable.
The Core FSM Training is where you start and provides a solid foundation for more advanced FSM material. There are several ways to take the core FSM training.
In-Person Seminar
Most of our classroom training is offline however a few in-person seminars are offered each year. The In-person seminars combine the classroom training and the hands-on practicum. In person seminars are currently being offered in the United States, United Kingdom, Italy, and Germany (through TimeWaver)
Video Training
Get immediate access to watch the training videos online. Choose the video download-only option to avoid shipping or get your physical copy of the training on a USB flash drive. “First Time” Video Training registration includes practicum credit that can be used for a practicum weekend or private practicum instruction. To complete the FSM Core Video Training the FSM Core Quiz must be taken and passed.
Live-stream seminars are offered to provide live, interactive training at a distance. “First Time” Live-stream registration includes practicum credit that can be used for a practicum weekend or private practicum instruction.
Online Course
Get immediate access to the training and equipment discounts as soon as you enroll. The online courses consist of 90-minute video units followed by a quiz to check for understanding. The courses offer subtitles in 7 languages. English, German, Traditional Chinese, Spanish, French, Italian, and Vietnamese. “First Time” On-line Course registration includes practicum credit that can be used for a practicum weekend or private practicum instruction.
Live In-Person | Virtual | |
In-Person Seminars | X | |
Training Videos | X | |
Live Stream | X | |
Online Course | X |
Intro | LEVEL 0 FSM Care Non-Practitoner | None | 1 FSM Core Module or completed Core Video Training with passing FSM Core Test | You may treat yourself with FSM Account to purchase PDI equipment |
Practitioner | LEVEL 1 FSM Core Practitioner | License to use electrical stimulation on patients | 1 FSM Core Module or completed Core Video Training with passing FSM Core Test | Online account, 1 free year on practitioner listing. CEU Credit |
LEVEL 2 FSM Advanced Practitioner | Previous requirements plus FSM Core or Module Seminar | Attend 1 FSM Advanced Seminar or complete Advance Video Training with passing test score | Lists of the advanced and experimental frequencies | |
Practice and Instruction | LEVEL 3 Seminar Practicum Instructor | Previous requirements plus FSM Core and 1 FSM Advanced | Attend 1 FSM Instructor Training Seminar and Practicum assist at 2 Core Seminars at your cost | Enjoy discounts of 5% at PDI and 10% at FSS |
LEVEL 4 FSM Certified Practitioner | Previous requirements plus 2 FSM Core seminars and one live Advanced Course | 10 written case reports, passing 100 question exam. [all within 2 years, renewed every 5 years] | Lists of the advanced and experimental frequencies | |
LEVEL 5 Independent Practicum Instructor & Mentor | Previous requirements plus all certification and seminar instrctor requirements | Assisted with hands-on practicum at 2 full cores or both Module 1 & 2 [within three years] | Enjoy discounts of 5% at PDI and 10% at FSS Free listing for life. Mentoring |
Specializations | Specialized Certification FSM Sports Specialist | License to use electrical stimulation on patients | Attend FSM Sports Core | Specialized information for practitioners working in physical medicine and/or with athletes |
Specialized Certification FSM Fibromyalgia Specialist | License to use electrical stimulation on patients. Core requirements. | Attend or purchase the Fibrobyalgia workshop with Dr. Mackin. | Specialized information for Fibro practitioner |
FSM-Trained Non-Practitioners
Do not have a license that allows them to treat with electrical stimulation and have completed an FSM Core seminar, course, video, or live-stream. They can treat themselves or their immediate family only.
FSM Practitioners
Have a license to treat patients with electrical stimulation and have completed an FSM Core seminar, course, video, or live stream.
FSM Advanced Practitioners
Have completed the FSM Advanced seminar, video, or live-stream.
FSM Practiticum Instructors
Have completed the FSM Core, Advanced, and Instructor seminars. Instructors assist at in-person seminars and are available for private FSM practicum instruction.
FSM Certified Practitioners
Have completed the FSM Core at least twice, the FSM Advanced, and passed the 100 question certification test.