Kim Pittis, LCSP, MT - FSM Advanced 2021 - Frequency Specific Microcurrent - Frequency Specific Microcurrent
Leaders in Frequency Specific Microcurrent Education

About Kim Pittis

Kim was the first myofascial therapist practicing with FSM (Frequency Specific Microcurrent) in Alberta, Canada and the first Certified, Advanced Practitioner and Core Practicum Instructor in Canada. Kim has been in practice for over 19 years with an extensive background in myofascial manual therapies. She has furthered her education with seminars and courses all over North America and Europe in a variety of modalities and disciplines. Kim has an additional background as a CPT which she did for many years in conjunction with her soft tissue treatments.

The foundation of Kim’s philosophy and practice is that symptom-based treatments do not work. Integrating osteopathic-based assessment skills ensures hidden and compensated musculoskeletal dysfunctions are remedied and not simply treated with a myofascial Band-Aid. Kim has extensive experience with Olympic and professional athletes from around the world in various sports and has been compiling excellent case studies and research with her work with some of these athletes and their success with FSM. Kim is the Director of FSM Sports which provides seminars and training modules that concentrate on the application of FSM in physical medicine and the athletic population for practitioners in a variety of disciplines.


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