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Episode Sixty-Three – Keep Asking Why

...come to an end if the dishes are in the sink at night? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Would you have learned that? Compassion? Understanding? Compassion for yourself? Compassion for others? Would...

Episode Twenty – Learning FSM Is Not Linear

...And the surgeon was committed to doing it laparoscopically, and when she took the gall bladder and the five centimeters stone out, she tore the common bile duct, the pancreatic...

Non-PharmacologicTreatment of Shingles

...(FSM) treatments during the last twelve years, one frequency combination has been observed consistently to eliminate the pain and shorten the course of shingles. That frequency combination— 230 Hz on...

Episode Sixty-Five – When It Doesn’t Work

...with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors. Kim Pittis: And I got the cutest comment the other day. I had quite a few comments the last two...
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