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What Doctors Dont’ Tell You – Article

...[https://www.researchgate.net/publication/290798011_Microcurrent_treatment_of_myofascial_pain_in_the_head_neck_and_face/citation/download] and assists in burn healing. [https://frequencyspecific.com/the-use-of-micro-current-and-autocatalytic-silver-plated-nylon-dressings-in-human-burn-patients-a-feasibility-study/] It alleviates symptoms of fibromyalgia associated with spinal trauma. [Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies (2005) 9, 169–176;] It delays the onset of...

Episode Forty – Peter Twist

...nine or ten. But I think you’re correct. And it’s great to see you today. I appreciate joining you. Oh, I just love talking to you. https://vimeo.com/720172225 Download MP3 Audio...

How To Choose Your FSM Core Seminar

...public. Completing the training does not give anyone a license to use FSM on patients. You must have a license that allows you to use electrical stimulation on patients in...
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