The Use of Micro Current and Autocatalytic Silver Plated Nylon Dressings in Human Burn Patients: A Feasibility Study
R. Huckfeldt, M.D., D. Mikkelson, R.N., K. Larson, M.D.
L. Hammond, O.T., B. Flick, M.D., C. McMakin, D.C.
February 21, 2003
Proceedings of John Bowswick Burn and Wound Symposium in Maui, HI
Background: The use of autocatalytic silver plated nylon dressings (Silverlon®) as an antimicrobial agent
in wound management is well documented in both animal and human studies. Also, the use of micro
current in the treatment of wound healing in association with Silverlon has been shown to enhance silver
release, improve anti-microbial properties of the silver, and increase wound epithelialization and healing in
animal models.
Study Design: This prospective study was designed to test the feasibility of the use of microcurrent with
Silverlon in wound care patients suitable for outpatient management. Six patients actively followed by the
burn team were selected based on measurable endpoints. These endpoints included range of motion, skin
sensitivity, and scar discoloration. Pre-study measurements were taken and the test areas were then wrapped
with Silverlon. After applying a return electrode frequency specific microcurrent was applied for sixty
minutes each day for three consecutive days.
Results: All six patients had measurable changes in the areas treated with Silverlon and microcurrent.
Follow-up measurements at one week and one month showed varying degrees of remaining response. No
adverse effects were noted and no patient complaints associated with the microcurrent were identified at
the time of the administration or in the follow-up time period.
Summary: The use of frequency specific microcurrent and Silverlon dressings is feasible and given the
results of animal studies showing increased healing, further human trials directly measuring wound healing
are warranted.