Leaders in Frequency Specific Microcurrent Education

Completing the FSM Core Training does not give a person a license to use FSM on others. If you do not have a license, you can take the FSM training, however, you can only treat yourself or your immediate family. Students are expected to have a good understanding of anatomy and physiology.


Becoming a certified FSM practitioner demonstrates your commitment to excellence in patient care using FSM as a treatment tool. Certification must be renewed every 5 years and at present, there is no charge for certification. Becoming certified involves:

  1. Complete 1 FSM Core Course or Video Training
  2. Attend an FSM Core In-person or live stream
  3. Complete the FSM Advanced in-person, live stream, course, or video training
  4. Take the FSM Instructor Training
  5. Submit 10 FSM Case Studies
  6. Submit 1 Published Paper proposal
  7. Take the 100-question, open-book FSM Certification Test

Patients looking for an FSM practitioner will choose a certified practitioner over a non-certified practitioner if one is available. Certified practitioners are listed first in the “Find a practitioner” portion of the FSM website. At some point in the future, the certified practitioners will have their own section on the website.

Now that the consumer book The Resonance Effect is released the distinction between certified and non-certified practitioners will become even more crucial and being a certified FSM practitioner will become very worthwhile.

Become a certified FSM practitioner and take your place among the top FSM practitioners in the country.

The chart below describes the requirements and benefits of each of the various achievement designations in the FSM Program. Which areas you explore and study will depend on the needs of your patients and the focus of your practice.

* Please note becoming certified does not give anyone a license to use FSM on others. Individuals must have a medical license that allows them to use electrical stimulation or the use of TENS devices in the Country or State where the person lives.

IntroLEVEL 0
FSM Care Non-Practitoner
None1 FSM Core Module or completed Core Video Training with passing FSM Core TestYou may treat yourself with FSM Account to purchase PDI equipment
PractitionerLEVEL 1
FSM Core Practitioner
License to use electrical stimulation on patients1 FSM Core Module or completed Core Video Training with passing FSM Core TestOnline account, 1 free year on practitioner listing. CEU Credit
FSM Advanced Practitioner
Previous requirements plus FSM Core or Module SeminarAttend 1 FSM Advanced Seminar or complete Advance Video Training with passing test scoreLists of the advanced and experimental frequencies
Practice and InstructionLEVEL 3
Seminar Practicum Instructor
Previous requirements plus FSM Core and 1 FSM AdvancedAttend 1 FSM Instructor Training Seminar and Practicum assist at 2 Core Seminars at your costEnjoy discounts of
5% at PDI and
10% at FSS
FSM Certified Practitioner
Previous requirements plus 2 FSM Core seminars and one live Advanced Course10 written case reports, passing 100 question exam.
[all within 2 years, renewed every 5 years]
Lists of the advanced and experimental frequencies
Independent Practicum Instructor & Mentor
Previous requirements plus all certification and seminar instrctor requirementsAssisted with hands-on practicum at 2 full cores or both Module 1 & 2 [within three years]Enjoy discounts of
5% at PDI and
10% at FSS
Free listing for life. Mentoring
SpecializationsSpecialized Certification
FSM Sports Specialist
License to use electrical stimulation on patientsAttend FSM Sports CoreSpecialized information for practitioners working in physical medicine and/or with athletes
Specialized Certification
FSM Fibromyalgia Specialist
License to use electrical stimulation on patients. Core requirements.Attend or purchase the Fibrobyalgia workshop with Dr. Mackin.Specialized information for Fibro practitioner



Subjective narration – what happened, then what happened next, subjective changes in performance and symptoms at various stages along the way. Date of injury. Mechanism of injury – exact mechanism – such as, if auto accident cars make and models involved, speeds, directions of vehicles, amount of damage. Immediate symptoms. Symptoms as they progressed at various time points. What happened next – hospital, emergency department, surgery, home for rest, physical therapy. Subjective is kind of just like telling the story you would tell your friend but with little more careful detail.


Objective findings – this would include imaging, brain MRI, EEG, reflexes, muscle strength, anything that can be quantified or made objective. Optimally something objective at various stages in treatment and recovery. Measurements made before treatment began or as soon as possible after the injury. Then after treatment. In a perfect world at some point, there is a measurement that shows improvement immediately after treatment that would not be expected to happen without treatment.


Assessment – What is the clinical diagnosis created by the subjective symptoms and the objective findings?


Action – what treatment was applied. All treatments including FSM should be mentioned here. With FSM – you can record specific frequencies that were used or you can just note an automated protocol used like NS/FB/SA – nervous system, forebrain, subacute – and list it with just initials. If certain specific frequencies made a definite difference in symptoms or performance, mention those. If you were doing other kinds of rehab or exercises, mention those. The A portion is intended to give a practitioner or a patient a guideline to be able to reproduce your outcomes when treating someone with a similar injury.


Plan or Prognosis – this includes the follow-up plan and the patient’s estimated prognosis. Such as fully recovered or recovered with these objective or subjective residual effects.

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