A New Paradigm Using Frequencies and Resonance As Holistic Support for Health
Dr. Carolyn McMakin, MA, DC
Dr. Carolyn McMakin: [00:00:02] Frequency Specific Microcurrent is a new paradigm using frequencies and the power of resonance as holistic support for health and wellness. FSM or Frequency Specific Microcurrent doesn’t really make any claims about being able to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent any condition or disease. The statements and techniques taught in an FSM seminar were inspected by the FDA, the regulatory authorities in the United States, and no changes to the material were required. The use of frequencies is a therapeutic tool, hasn’t been evaluated by the FDA, and FSM has always been in compliance with FDA regulations. In this presentation, I’m a clinician. Sharing my clinical experience with other clinicians in order to encourage education and research of novel techniques as a matter of free speech. Patients listening to this should also be aware that they need to collaborate with their medical providers. About using FSM as an adjunct to improve. Health and wellness as part of a holistic approach to treatment. So you have to ask yourself what would happen to your life and your health if you could reduce inflammation and stress, reduce pain, and increase cellular energy by 500%? With the treatment. Quickly without drugs or side effects, and there was a reasonable mechanism of action and some published data. Frequency Specific Microcurrent is that it is a new tool you probably didn’t know you needed that does something you didn’t think was possible. So where did it come from? Frequency specific therapies were developed in the early 1900s by medical physicians and osteopaths in the US, England and Germany and used by thousands of physicians until the late 1920s.
Dr. Carolyn McMakin: [00:01:58] I think they finally stopped in 1934. In 1910, the Flexner Report came out. This was Abraham Flexner, and suggested that medicine should become standardized by a standard establishing standard medical education, reducing the number of medical schools, and eliminating non-pharmaceutical, unscientific approaches. This was the beginning of standard pharmaceutical medicine. The effects of the Flexner Report weren’t fully implemented until about 1927. When it comes to medicine, you have to remember that we’re talking about a profession that took 50 years to learn to wash its hands. So frequency specific therapies were developed in the early 1900s. But medicine after the Flexner Report labeled them electromagnetic therapies as ineffective fakes. I think they use the word quackery, which is pretty funny. Drugs and surgery would be the only tools of medicine, nutrition. Herbs, homeopathy and frequency therapies were outlawed in every health care intervention except for prescription medications. Surgery and radiation was outlawed. So the physicians who use these tools will lose their license to practice, which at that time was granted by the American Medical Association. The research and history were lost. Look at this library. The physician who did the research as part of the Electromedical Society, the Parametric Society, or who published his findings in Electromedical Digest when this man. Passed away. What happened to his library? The research and the history were lost when these researchers and clinicians died.
Dr. Carolyn McMakin: [00:03:41] Practitioners were persecuted and some a few even were put in jail. The devices went in the trash or sat in the back room of a clinic with a sheet over it. Harry Van Gelder was an osteopath and naturopath from Australia and the UK. He bought a practice in Canada in 1946, walked in the back room of that clinic and found a device under a sheet that was made in 1922. While the sheet wasn’t made in 1922, the device was made in 1922. That device came with a list of frequencies. In 1983, George Douglas worked with Van Gelder and brought home a copy of the list of frequencies and put it in a drawer and forgot about it. And the list looks something like this. There was one channel where the list named conditions such as. Allergy reaction. Inflammation. Scarring. And a second channel to target specific tissues the spinal cord, the arteries, the connective tissue, the nerves. This is Harry Van Gelder, and this is a picture of George Douglas. So Microcurrent was approved in the category of TENS devices. In 1971. Doctor Douglas found the list in a drawer in 1995 when he moved, and he shared it with me when I first started my practice. He suggested we use the frequencies with a two channel Microcurrent machine like this. It was exactly this precision micro, because Van Gelder’s old machine had two channels. Because of the loss of history, we have no idea how the frequencies were derived.
Dr. Carolyn McMakin: [00:05:16] Uncertain of the mechanism of action, 1920s equipment was not Microcurrent in the 1920s, therapy was not FSM. So I first used the frequencies in 1995 on patients with muscle pain. And 1996, I treated 150 new patients with myofascial pain. And in January of 1997, I taught FSM for the first time to find out if the effects were reproducible. Turned out by June of 97, we knew that the benefits and the effect were not only teachable, they were reproducible. And since then, research and animals and humans and clinical results have accumulated over the last 30 years. At this point, we have 20 peer reviewed papers, a medical textbook published by Elsevier, and a consumer book published by North Atlantic Books and Penguin Random House. Right now, there are 5000 FSM practitioners or more in 23 countries around the world. So two channels, two frequencies. Van guilder system used one frequency to resonate with a tissue, and one frequency to resonate with a condition that caused interference with the proper function of that tissue. The theory was if the interference was removed, then the tissue would return to its normal state of balance and function. Clinically. The use of frequencies is low risk. We spent a year or two years. Making sure it wasn’t a placebo effect. And what we found during that time was that the frequencies either worked or they didn’t work. If they didn’t work, they just didn’t have an effect.
Dr. Carolyn McMakin: [00:06:51] There was nothing for them to resonate with. So the frequency just went right on through side effects, such as when you increase range of motion in the neck by. 40%. Sometimes a bone spur will poke into a nerve and give you nerve pain in your thumb that goes away when you treat the nerve, or it goes away by itself in 24 hours. The course for FSM lists every precaution and contraindication that I can think of. Fortunately for us, Medicine’s pragmatic medicine asks, does it work and figures out the mechanism of action later, they used willow bark for hundreds and hundreds of years and aspirin for 100 years, and had no idea why it worked until Upjohn developed ibuprofen and elucidated or understood how prostaglandin chemistry worked as ibuprofen was developed. It’s worth noting that over 80% of the medications in use today as listed in the Physician’s Desk Reference. They will have a statement in there that says the mechanism of action is not known, not well understood or not proven. There are very few medications where the mechanism of action is clearly understood. So FSM works by way of resonance. Okay. What’s resonance? Resonance is the tendency of a system or a bond to oscillate at large amplitudes in response to some frequencies, and not others at the resonance frequency. Very small forces can produce very large amplitude vibrations. In the 17 or 18 hundreds. They found out the soldiers marching in step. Could create a vibration in a bridge that would harmonize with or resonate with the bonds that held the bridge together, and the bridge would simply come apart because the soldiers were marching in step.
Dr. Carolyn McMakin: [00:08:53] To this day, soldiers break step when they come to the beginning of a bridge and go back into step when they get across. When a singer sings that sustained perfect note that breaks a lead crystal glass. That works because there’s a precise frequency that holds lead atoms together in a 70% lead crystal matrix. The lead atom bonds have a frequency that holds them together. That’s within the range of the human voice. So if the singers note is precise and sustained, the lead atoms start to vibrate because they resonate with that note, and they vibrate so much that the lead crystal just comes apart. The resonance is incredibly powerful. This is the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. I think it was built in the 1930s. Look at the cars. It was a design where the bridge was thinner and more flexible, and it’s built in the northwest and in a normal northwest rainstorm, light winds 20 miles an hour. The bridge began to sway. And when the swaying reached the resonant frequency of the bonds that held the bridge together, the bridge came apart. And if you’ll notice, these standards were equal distant from the headlands to the standard and from the headlands to the standard. So it created a perfect sine wave when the vibration started.
Dr. Carolyn McMakin: [00:10:45] Resonance destroyed the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, not the force of the wind. So how does that relate to human physiology? It’s physics. Newtonian physics describes large objects. So if you drop weight off of a building, it will accelerate at 32ft per second until it hits the ground with a predictable force. But Newtonian physics falls apart at the molecular level. Your body is a large object made of molecules, atoms, and subatomic particles, and those are held together by electromagnetic bonds. So. Quantum physics is the word that’s used to describe the action of molecules, atoms, and subatomic particles. So you are a Newtonian object with. A quantum physics structure inside. And it’s worth noting that every chemical. Electrical and mechanical bond has a frequency at which it resonates. So this is insulin. Anybody but look at it. It’s made of molecules, atoms, subatomic particles held together by electromagnetic bottoms. Right. So the human body is a quantum biological system because living tissue is biochemicals held together by electromagnetic bonds, and every bond has a frequency at which it resonates. Now, how does current flow inside your body? Water lines the gel that’s inside cells and forms structures that act as a semiconductor. Your cell is. Cells are not a little bag made of water. It is lined with a gel, and water molecules attach to that gel and they vibrate inside the cell and in the water and blood and liquids that flow in your body. And as they vibrate, they leave space for an electron that makes every cell in your body act effectively like silicon in your computer.
Dr. Carolyn McMakin: [00:13:07] And this makes each cell and all the fluids in your body into semiconductors. So your body is an electromagnetic system that looks solid, but the cells function as a semiconductor network, conveying current charge and information. Now biologic resonance explains the effects of frequencies on living tissue. First, let’s talk about drugs or nutrients. They act like keys in a lock to change membrane receptors and intracellular function. So this receptor on a cell is sensitive to circulating inflammatory products. Pathogen associated molecular patterns pamps damage associated molecular patterns. So bits of tissue from injuries that land on this receptor and stimulate kinases that stimulate transcription. Factors that stimulate the gene’s messenger RNA, microRNA, to cause the cell to produce inflammatory cytokines or. Prostaglandins. Okay. We are used to let’s say ibuprofen. Ibuprofen interacts with this receptor like a keys in a lock. Changes the behavior of the cell and turns off the ability of the cell to make, or reduces the ability of the cell to make pro-inflammatory cytokines. Frequencies appear to act like your key remote instead of a key to open the lock. With an electromagnetic signal that’s biologic resonance, the frequencies appear to change membrane protein configuration and cell function electromagnetically with a specific frequency signal. Frequencies act as if they change cell signaling and act as if they dissolve scar tissue crosslinks by resonating with the bonds in the receptor.
Dr. Carolyn McMakin: [00:15:07] The way your key fob opens your car door at a distance, instead of using the key, and you notice that your key fob opens only your car, even if there are 12 identical cars in a row. And that’s because your car has a specific single frequency that’s tuned to that key fob. Fsm seems to work like that with specific problems and specific cells. So how do we know that frequencies affect biological tissues? It’s the basic principles of science. First you observe something, you do this and that happens. And then you measure it to make sure that what you thought you observed really happened. And then you do it again. And then in a similar system situation, you predict that it might happen again, and then you observe that it does happen. The second basic principle of science is you can’t throw out the data because it doesn’t match your model. The third basic principle is you change the model and start over. And that’s what we did with FSM. We had animal research in 2003 at the University of Sydney, and we found Doctor Vivian Reeve found that the frequency to reduce inflammation in the immune system reduced lipoxygenase mediated inflammation by 62% in four minutes. Half of the response was there in two minutes. The other half was there at four minutes. They paint arachidonic acid on the mouse’s ears. The mouse’s ears swelled up. They’re measured with calipers. You do something to the mouse, you run 40 and one 16.
Dr. Carolyn McMakin: [00:16:42] You get a 30% reduction in COX mediated inflammation, which doesn’t sound as good, but that is equivalent to injectable toradol when it was measured in the same animal model by the same researcher. These results were so dramatic that she made a blinded trial put in a placebo frequency, and it the results were still 62% reduction in LOX, 30% reduction in COX, and only with the frequency of 40 and one 16. The frequency, the current by itself had no reduction. Other frequencies from our list. No reduction in inflammation and. Other frequencies from our list. No reduction in inflammation. We had. Stumble across or guessed at the frequency combination to reduce inflammation in the spinal cord. In fibromyalgia, patients who have their fibromyalgia associated with spine pain. Spine injury. 40hz on channel A. Ten hertz on channel B was the frequency from the list for the spinal cord, 40Hz was the frequency to reduce inflammation. Everybody had their pain reduced from an average of a 7.4 to a 1.3in 90 minutes. And when we had blood work from the National Institutes of Health, I’ll show you the data. All of the inflammatory cytokines were reduced to 90 minutes, and 58% of the patients recovered from fibromyalgia in about four months. So the inflammatory cytokines interleukin one, TNF alpha, interleukin six, all were reduced with p values. These are very statistically significant. They dropped at a 45 5070 degree angle. Substance P is produced in the spinal cord.
Dr. Carolyn McMakin: [00:18:34] And when that dropped. Well, the p value of three zeros and a one. We knew that ten hertz was really, in fact, addressing the spinal cord. Endorphins go up, the patients get floaty, and the pain was reduced from a seven to a one. Now, in medicine, inflammatory cytokines are hard to change, and once they change slowly over months. But 40 hertz reduced all inflammatory cytokines by ten and 20 times in 90 minutes. And when they came back at the second visit. They came back at reduced levels. How can a frequency do that? After 15 years with physicists, micro immuno chemists and physicians passing information back and forth looking at papers, it became obvious that the only way that all of these substances could change at one time is if we were changing. Cell signaling is the only thing that could normalize them all so quickly. So the data suggests that cell receptors respond to frequency signals that turn inflammation off. You can’t throw out the data because it doesn’t match your model. Frequency Specific Microcurrent is not about the device, it’s about the effect of the frequencies. So how can specific frequencies change conditions and specific tissues? So there are changes are immediate. The tissue everywhere softens the changes in sensation. The pain goes down. Some patients feel warmth. And then this stops when the frequency is finished. And sometimes there are lasting effects. So how does science explain the observed effects of FSM? The first thing you need to know is that Microcurrent just the current by itself, as long as the current is below 500 microamps.
Dr. Carolyn McMakin: [00:20:25] Just the current increases ATP production by 500% and increases protein synthesis by 70%. Amino acid transport by 40%. It increases cyclic AMP, which is part of the energy cycle in the cell, and it activates signal transduction, enhances communication between the cells, and these is published in 1982, repeated in 2001 and 2002. So everything changes tissue very quickly, but it needs manual and exercise therapy for physical changes, nutrition and lifestyle changes, sometimes even medication for lasting and permanent results. Fsm is part of a strategy to improve health and wellness. Now. This stable state. The FSM creates. Immediate changes, but what gets the changes to last if you look at water is. Perfectly stable as ice. As long as the surrounding environment is zero degrees centigrade, it’s completely stable as a liquid. As long as the surrounding environment is between 1 and 99°C. When you get to 100°C, it’s completely stable as steam, right? The correct frequencies create instantaneous changes that change the state of the tissue, and those changes can be permanent when the patient’s metabolism, attitude, mechanics support the change in state, and the stable state in a human system depends on biomechanical factors, how conditioned the patient is physically, general health, their nutritional, emotional stress, toxicity, infections. There are a lot of things that have emotions. There are a lot of things that affect health and the stable state in the human system.
Dr. Carolyn McMakin: [00:22:19] So Frequency Specific Microcurrent has been established since 1997. It’s low risk. It’s reproducible, teachable, reliable, noninvasive. The current is current. You can’t feel it’s physiologic, the same kind of current that your body produces on its own. So this is a patient that had a diabetic wound. This is not published but it’s been replicated. He had a seven centimeter ulcer on the side of his leg. He had sensation loss in seven out of ten areas on his foot. All of this was healed in six weeks in between 6 and 11 treatments. And you hook the current up from the knees to the feet. So there’s this necrotic toe. And at the end of six weeks and 11 treatments, it was better. We have a published paper. Paper published paper in the treatment of acute shingles. This was an 85 year old man with shingles in the ophthalmic branch of 5. It took four hours of treatment. It was one frequency pair. In 2010 he was pain free. In one hour the lesions were gone. In two days. Viruses mutated. So now it takes three pairs to be used for 20 minutes apiece for one hour treatment. And that treatment needs to be done once a day for three days. The first paper published was in 1998. In myofascial pain or muscle pain five years chronicity, 88% of the patients had failed to 3 to 6 other practitioners.
Dr. Carolyn McMakin: [00:23:45] So the patients were their own controls. If they were going to have a placebo effect, they would have had it with one of the 3 or 6 other practitioners that treated them. It took 11 visits in eight weeks for their starting pain to go from an average of a seven to an average of two, and that was published in 1998. Published low back cases in 2000. For eight years, Chronicity range was two months, up to 20 years, 87% failed with six other practitioner traps, and then took six visits and six weeks along with exercise. Prescribed exercises for their pain to go from an average of a seven to an average of a two. Treating neuropathic pain is very difficult in medicine and in FSM. It’s easiest thing we treat. Average chronicity for these 20 patients was seven years, 6.7 years. All patients experience pain reduction. Their pain in the first treatment went from a 6.8 to a 1.8. It came back up to about a five, but then it went back down to a one. On the second treatment, 65% fully recovered in about five sessions. One patient got better in one treatment. One patient had took 15 before it was permanent. There were no adverse reactions except they get sleepy, 25% terminated care prior to recovery. And if you’ve been in pain for seven years and you are out of pain in 90 minutes, we have it has the ability to create an identity crisis that’s pretty much unparalleled in medicine.
Dr. Carolyn McMakin: [00:25:16] Who are you? If all of a sudden you don’t have nerve pain after seven years of being in constant pain, this was a patient who was 19. He had ulnar nerve transposition surgery. The surgery produced no change in pain. Arranged motion at. The age of 28. So nine years later, his pain was a 5. Taos is a functional scorer, so he was 86%. 100% is full function at 11 physical therapy sessions. As pain went from a five to a four and his TAOS went from 86 to 92. One year later, his pain was a seven and his TAOS was down to 80%. He had three sessions of FSM, treating the nerve for inflammation and treating the nerve for scar tissue, and at the end of three sessions his pain level was a zero, his TAOS was 100%, and the results were maintained at one year, with his pain at a zero and his TAOS at 100%. Neck and low back pain. This was a retrospective case control study done in India. They compared pre and post treatment numerical pain rating scores. Oswestry disability, which is a functional score and in low back pain the P value is 005 FSM. Sorry 006. In neck pain they didn’t find a significant difference. I found out talking with the authors that they had used an incorrect protocol. So they’re going to redo the neck section of that study. It was published in 2020.
Dr. Carolyn McMakin: [00:26:44] Delayed onset muscle soreness is the one blinded trial we have. It was alternating current. These were the frequencies that were done. There’s a frequency to stop bleeding, treat the tissue for tissue damage, reduce inflammation. And this compared Frequency Specific Microcurrent with nonspecific Microcurrent that was published by Allen in 1999. And plain Microcurrent does not have an effect on delayed onset muscle soreness. The frequency specific Microcurrent. The treated leg at 24 hours. So you do exercise that is guaranteed to make the hamstring sore. So the treated leg at 24 hours was 1.3. The sham leg was pain level was a five out of ten at 48 hours, which is normally the worst treated leg was a 1.2, the sham leg was seven, and at 72 hours the treated leg was less than one. The sham leg was four. P-value with an N of 20 was 0.0005 at all time. Measures. The thing with delayed onset muscle soreness is there’s no other effective treatment. We did a project at a burn center in Springfield, Missouri, treating scar tissue in burn patients. And this is a non published, but it gives you an idea of what can be done with reducing scarring. This patient had a full thickness burn before treatment. His elbow was stuck in 15 degrees of flexion after one hour with FSN use for scarring, his elbow was able to be completely straight and that was permanent. So what would happen to your comfort, your health, and everything you do if you could reduce lipoxygenase mediated inflammation by 62%, COX mediated inflammation by 30%, reduce all inflammatory cytokines, and increase cellular energy by 500%? Fsm is a new tool you probably didn’t know you needed.
Dr. Carolyn McMakin: [00:28:42] That does something even I sometimes don’t think is possible. And Frequency Specific Microcurrent is taught these days in a five day Core seminar, in person or on video. It’s lecture and if you come in person, there’s nine hours of hands on practicum. You get individual attention with myself, and there’s one instructor for every six students. You have immediate competence. When you leave Sunday night, you are overwhelmed but safe and ready to start treating patients the next day. It’s a pretty steep three month learning curve. There are advanced courses, webinars, workshops, lots of continuing ed for those of you that like to learn more and want to Advanced. If you go to frequency specific comm, you can sign up for a seminar and learn more about seminars. If you want to know how FSM was developed. The Resonance Effect was published by North Atlantic Books. You can get that at frequency specific com backslash book or go to Amazon. It’s published in English, French. German. Polish. Mandarin. And I think that’s it. We’re working on Japanese. It’s a fun book. But I have to warn you. Frequency Specific Microcurrent may change your life, your health forever. I encourage you to go to frequency specific comm and explore the power of frequencies and FSM to support a holistic approach to health and wellness.