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Episode Sixteen – Pain Management

...inhibitory transmitter that the neurotransmitter that comes down the spinal cord and makes your muscles relax. That’s GABA. The neurotransmitter that comes down the spinal cord and makes your muscles...

SIBO and FSM Webinar

...is related to vagal suppression. [00:25:10] Right because if the vagus is working properly you don’t get autoimmune conditions. autoimmune conditions do not come from space. They come from someplace...

Episode Fifteen – Andre Benoit

...after surgery – Patient history – start fresh https://vimeo.com/655048533 Hey. And now, How are you? Let me see, what do I need to do? Sure, screen just start your video....

Episode Three – FSM Podcast

...mind it. So when it comes back, it’s it’s not going to be a seven or an eight. It’ll come back at a five or six, but it’s going to...

Mold – Toxicity and FSM

Updated 2023 Slides: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1sfsx6dwhyltum92b51x4/FSM-and-Mold-Webinar-12-23.pdf?rlkey=27w0kafb4co8cte8wo4bpglqt&dl=0 Updated 2023 Handouts: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/vge6fxhkmicbcyvntdr8k/handouts-FSM-and-Mold-Webinar-12-23.pdf?rlkey=iccnhl5qmkvznttph1xt257fl&dl=0...
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