Leaders in Frequency Specific Microcurrent Education

FSM Sports Core – November 2024 – Troutdale

Nov 18, 2024 - Nov 19, 2024

Original price was: $925.00.Current price is: $875.00.

$875.00 Early Bird (Expires September 15, 2024)
This seminar typically sells out.

november events

What is the Sports Course?

The FSM Sports Course was designed for the busy health care provider.

In this 2 day course, the attendee will learn the fundamental elements of Frequency Specific Microcurrent, Osteopathic-based assessment and treatment tools, how to incorporate FSM into your existing practice, and much more. This course is open to anyone who can practice with electrotherapy devices. If you are new to the world of FSM, you will receive a prerequisite slide package with valuable theory information to get you all caught up. Even clinicians who have been practicing for years have found this course to shed new light on intricate world of Frequency Specific Microcurrent.

Don’t treat athletes? You don’t need to, to benefit from this course! Sports injuries are all around us. Whether its a slip and fall, or post operative management, the Sports Course will cover many common injuries, in all stages of healing from Acute to Chronic. You don’t want to miss this fun and informative course for your practice!

We have a strict No Refund Policy in place. Should you need to cancel, you can defer your enrollment for 2 years.

Your registration will be taken by Kim Pittis at FSM Sports. 

$875.00 Early Bird (Expires September 15, 2024)
This seminar typically sells out.

$925.00 Regular (Expires February 10, 2025)

$1000.00 Door Price (After February 10th)

$400.00 Refresher (you’ve taken the FSM Sports Core within the last 2 years)

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