Leaders in Frequency Specific Microcurrent Education
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October 2024 Troutdale FSM 5-Day Core Seminar

...for conditions such as sciatica, peripheral neuropathy, and post-surgical pain. Adhesions & Scar Tissue Adhesions and scar tissue are common complications of injury, surgery, and disease. These conditions can lead...

December 2024 Troutdale FSM 5-Day Core Seminar

...for conditions such as sciatica, peripheral neuropathy, and post-surgical pain. Adhesions & Scar Tissue Adhesions and scar tissue are common complications of injury, surgery, and disease. These conditions can lead...

Microcurrent Experimental Results

...alone was found to have no effect on inflammation, the mean ear swelling was the same as for AA. Frequency was found to have specificities in both A/B channels and...

What Doctors Dont’ Tell You – Article

...[https://www.researchgate.net/publication/290798011_Microcurrent_treatment_of_myofascial_pain_in_the_head_neck_and_face/citation/download] and assists in burn healing. [https://frequencyspecific.com/the-use-of-micro-current-and-autocatalytic-silver-plated-nylon-dressings-in-human-burn-patients-a-feasibility-study/] It alleviates symptoms of fibromyalgia associated with spinal trauma. [Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies (2005) 9, 169–176;] It delays the onset of...

Steve the Dad – FSM and Autism

...to hit mild. Now the therapies we’ve been using other than diet have been frequency specific microcurrent through dr. Carolyn mcmakin and neural feedback. [00:00:30] Through brain Corp and the...

Steve the Dad – FSM and Autism

...down to the high end of moderate to mid-range moderate and he’s getting ready to hit mild. Now the therapies we’ve been using other than diet have been frequency specific...

Non-PharmacologicTreatment of Shingles

...(FSM) treatments during the last twelve years, one frequency combination has been observed consistently to eliminate the pain and shorten the course of shingles. That frequency combination— 230 Hz on...
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