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Mold – Toxicity and FSM

Updated 2023 Slides: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1sfsx6dwhyltum92b51x4/FSM-and-Mold-Webinar-12-23.pdf?rlkey=27w0kafb4co8cte8wo4bpglqt&dl=0 Updated 2023 Handouts: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/vge6fxhkmicbcyvntdr8k/handouts-FSM-and-Mold-Webinar-12-23.pdf?rlkey=iccnhl5qmkvznttph1xt257fl&dl=0...

Episode Nineteen – New Beginnings

...company, it’s interesting. I saw a patient today who came from California and I started her history, and her complaint is pelvic pain that’s been treated with dry, dry needling...

Eyelid Surgery & FSM

Skin Surgery FSM PRACTITIONER WEBINAR Carolyn McMakin, MA, DC Download Slides Download Handouts Download Transcript This transcript is computer generated.  Listen to the audio. (00:00:00): Welcome to the skin surgery,...

Episode Sixty-Six – What A Gift

...comment? The biomechanical stuff, that's what gets my heart pumping. I'm such a geek when it comes to not just muscle testing, but range of motion. And that's where I...

Episode Fourteen – Back In Sync

...because it’s just common sense. No, because common sense is not that common anymore. We say reasonable expectation. Ok, fair enough. Yeah. So I hope that made sense. The other...
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